Approximately 300,000 Australians have glaucoma and 50% of people with the condition are undiagnosed. Due to our growing population and longer life expectancy, this figure is expected to rise in the future. At age 40, 1 in 200 people have the condition, increasing to almost 1 in 10 at age 80.
Specific eye tests are done during a routine eye examination to screen for glaucoma. These involve an intra-ocular pressure measurement and we have 3 techniques for this, imaging the optic nerve and retina with an OCT.
If there is heightened risk further examinations may include scans and examination of the front of the eye, a visual field assessment to map the peripheral vision, intra-ocular pressure testing across a day and potential referral for review with an ophthalmologist or eye surgeon to co-manage the condition if required.