Beckenham Optometrist Top Tips for Contact Lens Wearers
At Beckenham Optometrist, our team is dedicated to giving you the best chance to see clearly and comfortability, that is why contact lenses are such a popular choice for many of our patients. To make the change to contact lenses a little easier we have developed a list of top tips to wearing contact lenses with the help of our trusted contact lens supplier Cooper Vision.
10 Daily tips for contact lens wearers
Always wash your hands before dealing with your contact lenses
Check your lenses to ensure they are not torn, scratched or otherwise damaged before you put them in
Start with the same eye every time before you put your lenses in or take them out
Use a lense case that has been clearly marked with ‘R’ for right eye and ‘L’ for left eye to make sure they are not mixed up
Always use appropriate contact lens solution to wash, disinfect, clean and store your lenses. Never use water
Remember to clean and disinfect your contact lenses before you put them away.
Not all contact lenses are recommended for overnight use, please consult our team to find out your personalised wearing schedule
Don’t ever ignore discomfort. Remove your lenses, check for scratches, clean and disinfect them before use. If discomfort persists consult us on 9918 0616 or visit us in store.
Never wear your contact lenses for more than your health care professional has recommended
Keep your glasses with you. You never know when your eyes might need a break from contact lenses.
Whether you are just starting with contact lenses or considering trying them, the team at Beckenham Optometrist is always here to help make the process easier. We are dedicated to helping in providing you with the best eye care plan for your needs. Beckenham Optometrist can be contacted on 9918 0616 or at 15 Old Barrenjoey Road Avalon Beach 2107.
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