Should kids wear sunglasses?

13 reasons why children should wear sunglasses

While 73% of adults wear sunglasses, only 30% of kids wear sunglasses. Here’s 13 good reasons of why kids should wear sunglasses, especially with the lifestyle we lead on the Northern Beaches!


  1. The lens of the child’s eye transmits about 70 percent more UV than the adult eye.
  2. The cells of the lens of the eye are never replaced; the proteins of the lens are never replenished. The lens cannot repair itself; damage accumulates over a lifetime.
  3. Kids under 10 are at a higher risk for both skin and eye damage, as their skin and eyes are more fragile.
  4. Children are outdoors much more than adults, so it is likely that over 1/2 of their life exposure to the sun will occur within the first 20 years of their life.
  5. Very bright sunlight – reflected off sand, snow, water or the pavement, can cause immediate damage to the cornea.
  6. Kids look up more, which means they are often looking into the sun.
  7. It is up to adults to train their kids on the damages sun can do. Like wearing seatbelts, not touching hot stoves… Children can be taught about sunglasses, but only if they have sunglasses.
  8. When children’s eyes get sunburned, unless it is severe, they will not feel the pain as they do with the skin. The warning signs are not so obvious.
  9. The long-term effects of sunburned eyes are cumulative and not reversible. Research shows cataract, pterygiums, macular degeneration and melanomas of older age begin with childhood UV and blue light exposure.
  10. Hats only protect from above, not below, where reflected UV from water, sand or concrete can do a lot of damage.
  11. With ozone depletion occurring as much as 12 percent per year in certain parts of the world, our children are at greater risk of UV than we were growing up.
  12. The variety of sunglasses for kids makes them easy and comfortable to wear. Quality sunglasses offer 100 percent UV and blue light protection,
  13. Sunglasses are cool … and fun!

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