The Latest in Eye Health Testing Technology

Often likened to an MRI, OCT Scanning is the most sophisticated tool available for assessing eye health and managing eye conditions including macular degeneration and glaucoma.
OCT Scanning Explained
Optical Coherence Tomography or OCT as it is more commonly known is a sophisticated scanning system that produces highly detailed images of the retina. It is often likened to an MRI or x-ray of the eye.
This scan allows your optometrist to see detailed images of the retina (the inner most layer of the interior eye), enabling them to accurately detect, monitor and control changes to the retina. This procedure is currently the only one that shows in-depth images of the eyes internal structures. Other procedures only show the surface of these structures.
OCT and Early Detection of Eye Health Problems
An OCT scan can detect the early signs of macular degeneration, glaucoma, detached retinas and other eye disorders. This procedure only takes minutes and the equipment never touches the eye, so there is no discomfort.